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About Us


Mission Statement

The mission of North Whidbey Kid's Academy is to prepare, empower, and inspire each and every student through an excellent education in a safe, nurturing, supportive, hands-on, multi-age, differentiated classroom environment.



The education of your child is one of the most important decisions you can make as a parent. Parents must weigh the differences between public schools and paying to enroll their children in private schools. North Whidbey Kid’s Academy tries its best to provide individual attention and develop programs/teaching practices that are more tailored to each child’s academic and social goals. Our smaller enrollment allows us to focus on every aspect of students’ lives. As a result of smaller class sizes, I can spend more time ensuring that students understand the material. This smaller classroom size allows me to spend more time with each student. The more attention a student receives from an instructor, the better the chance that he/she will succeed academically and socially. With controlled class sizes, high standards, individual attention and FUN, engaging activities…discipline and behavior problems are minimal…resulting in academic excellence for all children.
Literacy (Reading/Writing): Preschool and Early Primary Grade's curriculum should emphasize a wide range of language & literacy experiences including: story reading, dramatic play, story telling and retelling.  Comprehension is the reason we read & children can & need to understand this at an early age.  Providing effective developmentally appropriate experiences & teaching to support literacy is crucial.  This is done at NWK Academy by providing: a print-rich environment; opportunities for children to talk about what is read; teaching strategies & experiences that develop phonemic awareness (decoding/encoding); opportunities to engage in play that incorporates literacy tools; activities that expand children's vocabulary; continuous monitoring/assessing of growth in both reading & writing to make appropriate instructional decisions to keep students moving along in their literacy development. 


Math:  The early years are especially important for math development.  Children's knowledge in math in these years predict their math achievement in later years.  Math goes beyond reciting numbers, counting and calculation skills.  At NWK Academy, students will  move beyond basic concepts skills and emphasizes conceptual understanding,  skill proficiency and thinking skills in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Emphasis is also given to reasoning, application, and use of technology.  Students will have opportunities to discover, reason, and communicate mathematics.  NWK Academy focuses on the "GOAL" or big IDEAs in math.  Once the GOAL/OBJECTIVE is chosen then we focus on the "developmental path"....interpreting how the child thinks through assessing each child's level of understanding. Finally, we determine the instructional tasks or activities matched to each level of thinking in a developmental progression (using a wide variety of instruction activities & use a combination of teaching strategies).


NWK Academy is able to provide flexible reading/writing and math groups according to individual student's academic needs and not focus on the child's "grade level".  Students benefit because they receive instruction that is explicit, focused, and designed to meet their individual needs.  NWK Academy believes that all students deserve assessment-driven instruction that focuses on their literacy/mathematical development and is developmentally appropriate.

 First Day of School:  
August 28, 2024

“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai

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